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The Polka Dot Litter

Without a doubt, the best part of being a rabbit owner is caring for babies. You get to watch them as they open their eyes for the first time, begin to lift up their tiny ears, and take their first wobbling steps. There is just nothing like it.

Unfortunately, I have had awful luck with litters over the last 18 months. Each time I bred, I would wait, and after 30 days, nothing would happen. Sometimes the doe would even make a nest, but the kits never came.

After a discouraging year, Rosie finally had a litter of seven healthy kits last week. As this was my first litter of 2019, I could not contain my excitement. She made a perfect nest and she is being a great mamma to all of them. In fact, it seems that she is still adding fur the the nest! Every few days the kits are cocooned in a layer of fur, even though they themselves have now grown coats.

In the litter, there are 5 broken blacks, one white (most likely ruby eyed) and one solid black. Because of the amount of spots we were blessed with, I dubbed them the polka dot litter.

I can't wait to see how they grow and develop! Please stay tuned, as some will be available for sale within the next few months.

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